Saturday, November 22, 2008

Seasons Change

I created this blog about a month and a half ago and am just now getting around to creating my first post. I feel, though, that this is coming at an appropriate time of year, of life. The season has officially changed and cold can no longer be avoided. The days are crisp and action is invigorated. I hope to use this blog in many ways; to share experiences from life and my first year of teaching, to share my writing, which is rare, and to create a vehicle with which to invoke all that permeates my thoughts during the day, to put down in text. Here is what I have for the world at this time:

In the land of wheat
Full of field and sun
Where the summer's hot
and the winter is strange
where the weather blends from
season to season
a change is blowing in and it can not...
be ignored
tornadoes come and we jump into the bathtub
a storm and the lights go off,
and we scream from fear of darkness
We have been promised protection...
We have been saved from a miry pit...
Because we have so freely received, we have much to give,
And as change comes, we must offer more than ever...
Make ourselves available to work...
to dance with those who need to dance...
To bring understanding and community to the table,
that all may be filled with a warm portion
of something greater than the earthly powers that be...


abby coyle photo said...

yay! we can be blogspot friends now...since the xanga era is over. i love you friend!

Giles Family said...

Oooh I love to read good writing. Very nice! I'll be stopping by another day - come see my family and I at

Will we be seeing you for focus this February? This will be "our girls" last year ya know...think about it, OK?

Jen Giles

Jeff McBride said...

Seasons do change. I like your blog setup.

Hope all is well. My blog is:
